Building Information Modeling The Benefits of BIM Technology

M. B. Kahn uses building information modeling (BIM) technology in preconstruction, construction planning, scheduling, and coordination. With BIM, constructability issues can be identified and addressed before they happen, resulting in reduced errors throughout the project. In return, this lowers construction costs and helps keep the project on schedule. The benefit is significant savings that greatly exceed the cost of the BIM study.


Lowering CostA Valuable Advantage to BIM

BIM allows us to provide you with a data rich 3D model, a discrepancy report, a collision report, and a quantity survey report. These tools will enable us to improve trade coordination and cost control, which ultimately reduces the project’s risk and lowers the overall cost. BIM can be useful for:

  • Virtual walkthroughs and flybys
  • Collision detection studies (coordination)
  • Constructability visualisation analysis
  • As-built drawings
  • Operations & maintenance capabilities
  • Construction scheduling & sequencing visualization

What People Are Saying

“Most companies just put up whatever the architect draws.  That’s it.  And, then they move on.  These guys don’t work like that.”

- Dr. Deborah Teasley, President, Southern Regional Area Health Education Center